
Please click on the link below to download the Scandinavian Note Cards Brochure/Order Form. Any other note cards you see on my website can be added to the order using the card # and/or titles from this or any page of my website.

Mailing address: Sharon Christensen Watercolors, N24835 Kramer Lane, Ettrick, WI 54627

The wholesale price is $6.25 per card set, which includes six cards (4.25×5.5 inches) with envelopes. Card sets are packaged in clear resealable bags.

Minimum order of $100

Wisconsin Scandinavian Jul Hearts
#1WI Jul Hearts
Wisconsin Scandinavian folk rosemaling design
#WI Folk Art
#3WI Wis. Rosemal
#4WI Christmas
#1MN Hearts
#2MN Christmas
#3MN Sunflowers
#4MN Fishing
#1IL Illinois
#3ID Idaho
#1ND North Dakota
#4MT Montana
#1IA Iowa
#1NC North Carolina
#1TX Texas
#1SD South Dakota
#1FL Florida Rosemal
#1IN Indiana Set
#1WA Washington
#2OR Oregon

To view all rosemal states note cards please click here.